So you’re ready to shoot a feature or a game and you need some gear! We have you covered!
Just a few rules of the road before you check something out:
Gear Checkout Hours:
Monday-Friday: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.
Saturday: Closed
Sunday: Closed
Equipment Checkout
Student Publications provides equipment to qualified staffers who need cameras and accessories for their assignments. This equipment is meant to be used for assignments only and is meant to supplement your equipment, not to be your only camera gear. Since this equipment is to be used by multiple people and needs to last a long time, please be careful with it. If it is damaged there is a good chance that we won’t be able to replace it.
In recognition that a small pool of equipment is available to be shared among numerous staff members at WKU Student Publications, the following policies are established to ensure working equipment is available for every staff member who needs it.
- Equipment may be checked out only when it will be used to complete work for an entity of WKU Student Publications.
- Equipment may be checked out for a maximum of three days. If that would put the return date on a day WKU is closed, the reservation will be extended to the next business day.
- Gear checkout is generally available from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. with any member of the Student Publications professional staff on days that WKU is in session. All equipment must be returned by 4 p.m. on the day it is due.
- A staff member may not check in then immediately check out the same equipment.
- An individual may not have more than one camera body and two lenses checked out at any time, unless approved by an adviser. There is not a limit on other categories of equipment.
- If equipment is not checked in on the day it is due, it will be considered late. After three instances of returning equipment late, a student will lose the privilege of checking out equipment for the remainder of the semester.
- If equipment is not returned, it will be considered stolen. A hold will be placed on the student’s account through the registrar’s office until the equipment is returned or replaced.
- Damage done to equipment because of abuse, carelessness or negligence while it is checked out is the financial responsibility of the student who signed out the equipment. A student is financially responsible from the time it is checked out until the time a professional staff member checks it in through the asset management system. Therefore, students should not allow others to use equipment checked out in their name, and should not leave equipment sitting out around the office assuming it will be checked in.

There’s a few other things to note. If you are needing a camera over the weekend and someone else has it checked out, you cannot just get this camera from that other photographer. You need to make sure this is approved in advance from an adviser.
QUESTION: I broke a lens and I don’t know what to do? ANSWER: Tell your photo editor and then tell the Herald adviser, Carrie Pratt. You’ve signed off responsibility to take care of the equipment so you are responsible for replacing or repairing it.
QUESTION: My gear got stolen, what do I do? Help! ANSWER: Call and file a police report. Then tell your photo editor, then the Herald adviser, Carrie Pratt. Again, you are responsible for replacing the gear. So please, be careful with it.